We selected a specific video of a safety enterprise, that defined a new logo to introduce meaning of new internal safety program. This video was distributed to 6,500 employees globally and was accompanied by transcripts translated into the top nine most common languages spoken by employees. The
Tips to build a business without quitting your job.

Many entrepreneurs dream of starting their own business, but they often decide to quit their job to manage their time. This dramatic transition may become stressful and hard, especially when you really enjoy your job. Yes, we know that making your own money is really important, but
McDonald’s focuses its branding on kids

This great brand, is not the first one in taking advantage of this technology to market to kids…
Branding in the digital age

Most of the companies made huge investments in what we call “branded content” without reaching their goals…
The power of a memorable image

EPSON launches a simple but powerful campaign whose purpose is to exalt the valuable task that the printouts have in our visual memory…
Valentine’s Day and its influence on branding

February is considered a great opportunity for marketers to launch different products and promotions…